Sarah Blakely Thought Real People would Work Better than Mannequins

I recently listened to a Masterclass by Sarah Blakely and was very impressed with all the ideas and perspectives she offered on business and entrepreneurship. I’m making data-management software and she makes shapewear for women but there was still a ton of ideas I can apply to my own mission. She told a story about going into a manufacturer where they were producing clothing and found they had three mannequins they used for sizing. A big mannequin, a skinny one, and an in-between. So Sarah asked something like, “Well where…

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50 Life Lessons in 5 Minutes

50 Life Lessons in 5 Minutes Just some theories I try to live by. Seek out experiences, not pleasures… but don’t feel guilty about your guilty pleasures. Don’t judge others openly regardless of how horrible they are, but that doesn’t mean you have to trust them or hang out with them. Do what you need to do to get along with people. Or leave. Don’t allow emotional vampires to take advantage of you. Worry about real-world effects rather than emotions… but recognize that your emotions have real-world effects on the people around…

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Our World View Determines Everything

Our World View Determines Everything Here’s me bragging about how awesome my life is I’ve been watching Ted Talks recently and decided to watch a pro-God video in the interest of being open minded. It’s by Pastor Rick Warren, author of The Purpose Driven Life which has sold more than 30 million copies. I’m not sure what happened to the video but I’m sure it’s still out there. But I wanted to mention something that he said that I absolutely, %100 agree with: “Your world view though does determine everything else…

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Dual Perspectives

Dual Perspectives The power and weirdness of simultaneously holding two opposing viewpoints I watched a couple episodes of Hoarders the other day, the documentary show about those people who refuse to throw things away and find themselves buried in trash, and found myself rather shocked. I didn’t know this psychological issue was so common. If I remember correctly, they claim that it affects 3 million people. That’s more than what the experts claim is the number of people in America addicted to cocaine. It’s strange that hoarding isn’t a criminal…

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