The Abrasive “Defund” Term is a Result of the Police Using Abrasive Terms

The term “defund the police” does sound aggressive and abrasive. I’ve decided to start using the term “re-invent crime prevention” or something like that – I haven’t quite decided. But remember again where we’re coming from. The police use terminology like “war on crime” or “war on drugs”. But we all know when we say “war on crime” what we really mean is a war on street crimes. We’re not talking about wage theft, embezzlement, environmental damage or any of the crimes rich people commit. Same is true for the…

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I Want a New Way of Looking at Law and Order

I personally will not be satisfied until we have a new way of looking at law and order. It’s not just about banning choke-holds or prosecuting a few bad cops. I want a system based on real mental health science. I want one that recognizes that showing criminals compassion and allowing them basic human dignity is going to push them to a productive life much more effectively than threatening them. I want a system that puts counselors and interventionists first and guns and prisons second. This will reduce crime, increase…

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The Importance of the Baker’s Dozen

I bought a dozen donut holes last night. I could swear I ate five, then my roommate told me she ate one, but the next day there were seven in the bag. This reminded me of when I was very young and my dad explained the concept of a baker’s dozen: it’s about doing that little extra beyond what you promised to ensure no one gets mad at you and to ensure that next time they have an urge for a donut they think of you. This concept works metaphorically…

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The first time I heard a conservative republican speech…

Sorry everyone about the violent subject here. The first time I heard a conservative republican speech, I was in sixth grade. My teacher had just found out two of the students were gay and sexually active. He called everyone together to tell us, and gave an impassioned speech about respect, rules, order, discipline, knowing your place, and all those conservative republican values. I remember it making a lot of sense to me at the time. The next day a bunch of kids dragged those two boys out into the field,…

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Blame Yourself if Someone Lies to You

If someone is lying to me, I like to look at myself instead of blaming them. It’s counter-intuitive but very advantageous. Don’t focus on what might be wrong with them, which you can’t control. Instead, focus on what you can do to make them more comfortable. Think about how you react to what they say and what they might be thinking as a result. People often lie because they don’t trust us to be compassionate. If we show people that we will be kind and caring regardless of the horrible…

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Are police supporters all criminals?

I have been into the idea of defunding the police for 20 years now and when talking to people I have noticed a recurring theme. It seems the most criminal-minded individuals are the ones who most vehemently support the police. In my early years, in one of my more heated arguments, someone was trying to tell me about how awful criminals were and how we need more police and I responded by listing all the crimes I’d seen him commit. He gave excuses and acted like they weren’t really crimes…

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Vegan Tempura (no eggs or milk)

1 1/4 cup all-purpose flour 1 tablespoon cornstarch 1/8 teaspoon baking powder 1/4 teaspoon salt cold carbonated water as needed (plain water could be used I think but I haven’t tried it). I may try beer instead for beer-battered fish. avacodo oil (or any frying oil) Mix up the dry goods, then slowly add the water until you get the correct batter consistency. Use enough oil in the pan to nearly cover whatever it is you’re cooking. Remember to get the oil hot first. I found using two forks works…

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Will Jeff Bezos also Revolutionize Schools?

When Jeff Bezos revolutionized retail and shipping, he did it by giving the power over to the customer and then making himself valuable to us. People don’t remember how time-consuming, manipulative and degrading the retail experience was before Amazon. When he revolutionized the publishing industry, he did it by handing the power over to the authors and readers, then making himself valuable to us. People don’t remember how locked-down, censored and controlled the publishing industry was before Amazon. The old publishing companies didn’t even want readers to be allowed to…

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A Really Gross Video of Joe Biden

Someone in my facebook feed posted this video and I felt it required its own post. It’s a collection of clips of Biden getting really touchy with some women and young girls. It’s pretty gross and makes Biden look like a pedophile. I’ll post it at the bottom. This is disgusting behavior and I’m not defending Biden. I’ll get to him later. But the fact that someone made this into a music video speaks volumes. I’ve seen Trump supporters express great humor at this. This reinforces my theory that many…

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Trump is Working for Communists

If you look at the Trump administration’s choices, it all seems perfectly designed to make capitalism appear evil, democracy look stupid and communism look more inviting than ever before. Look at Trump’s complete disregard for rule of law while claiming to be the president of law and order, his relentless attacks on the constitution, his choice of words that always seem deliberately designed to offend the maximum number of people, his attempts to destroy our post office and the public parks. Children in cages. Coronavirus denial. Tear gassing for a…

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Trump has Been Sued 400 times by ACLU

The Trump administration has been sued by the ACLU over 400 times. Trump is not an idiot. You don’t get sued by the ACLU 400 times because you are dumb and don’t understand the law. The Trump administration has been sued 400 times by the ACLU because they’ve deliberately and knowingly declared war on our constitution, declared war on democracy and declared war on common human decency.

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Why I’m a Space Nerd

The best reason to be a space nerd is compassion for the unknown millions of people who are suffering because they don’t have access to the vaccines, therapies, artificial organs, and other medical treatments that can only be developed, implemented, or manufactured in low gravity. But you may also like how the space industry improves the technology of practically all the tools we use to make our lives better on a daily basis, from refrigerators, air conditioners, cars, airplanes, computers. You name it. You may also want some ultra-high speed…

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The Psychology of Make Liberals Cry Again

A year or two ago I wound up eating dinner with a guy who was wearing a hat that said “Trump 2020: Make liberals cry again”. It was interesting to think of the kind of mentality he must have to sit across at dinner with someone while wearing a hat openly declaring hatred for that person while pretending to be nice and respectful. His motivation for supporting a political candidate was literally to cause other Americans to suffer and cry. It wasn’t about disagreeing on religion or economics or other…

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Why Some People Oppose Civil Rights Laws

I’ve seen Ron Paul getting attacked for his view that businesses should be allowed to discriminate and the government shouldn’t intervene and enforce anti-discrimination laws. When you first read this, it sounds awful. Your gut reaction is to think he doesn’t support equality, and that he won’t stand up for minorities, and I totally understand why it would seem this way. However, I’ve been opposed to these kind of laws for a good decade now, though I have not been vocal about it because I think there are far more…

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22 Ways Religion Promotes Crime

75% of America is Christian. 75% of prisoners are Christian. 10% of America is Atheist. 00.2% of prisoners are Atheist. – Federal Bureau of Prisons, 1997 — — — — – In “The New Criminology”, Max D. Schlapp and Edward E. Smith say that two generations of statisticians found that the ratio of convicts without religious training is about 1/10 of 1%. W. T. Root, professor of psychology at the Univ. of Pittsburgh, examined 1,916 prisoners and said “Indifference to religion, due to thought, strengthens character,” adding that Unitarians, Agnostics, Atheists and Free-Thinkers are…

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A New Perspective on Pro-Choice

So I am adamantly pro-choice, but I have a few serious objections to the standard pro-choice rhetoric that we see these days. My main issue is with the lies we’ve been telling. I see two important questions surrounding abortion: 1) at what point does life begin? and 2) at what point does a human become a person? The first question seems scientific, and is very simple to answer. By any definition of life that I’ve ever heard, it begins at conception. That’s the point when the human begins its growth…

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Crime is not Logical

For this post, again, the word ‘crime’ is loosely defined to include obvious crimes, and does not include things like marijuana, j-walking or software piracy. — — — — — — Someone pointed out about my recent article, 22 Ways Religion Promotes Crime, that I am making an unfair assumption that crime doesn’t pay, therefore assuming that crime is not logical and that logical-minded individuals are less likely to commit it. I’d like to take this opportunity to present my evidence that, with a few exceptions, crimes like murder, rape, burglary and assault, are not…

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I Committed a Hate-Crime. Here’s How it Happened.

I’m finally telling this story after all these years because I have been seeing a lot of Trump supporters and apologists who believe that the epidemic of hate crimes against minorities right now is mostly invented. What people often don’t understand is how hate crimes actually function and how the victims are just as likely to hide the incident as the perpetrators. This makes them very easy for conservatives to deny and ignore. But these things do happen. They can happen to anyone and they can be committed by anyone.…

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Resisting Arrest is a Contrived Charge

This article is not about Justin Bieber but it is titled The Persecution of Justin Bieber. I just had to post this because I think it’s a simple and straightforward explanation of something I’ve long believed: that resisting arrest is a contrived charge, used by the police to persecute anyone who has normal human instincts. You should probably read that article first before this one, since I think it does a better job than I did here. I have twice in my life had a police officer point a gun…

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Dear Senator

I am a wealthy white male. I own three homes in Pittsburgh. In my spare time I write books and novels which can be found on Amazon and I’m currently building a personal data organizer application and hope to build an application development business, most likely in Pittsburgh in the coming few years. I am also a police brutality survivor who has been struggling with the trauma from that event for half my lifetime. 20 years ago I watched a police officer frame a pale white man for resisting arrest,…

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American Criminals

I’d like to say something about all the “low-life” criminals in America: Television, movie, software and music pirating on the internet has provided low-income homes access to entertainment that would otherwise be mostly out of reach. Online pirates have forced the media industry to keep their prices competitive. For that, I thank you. Without drug dealers, society never would have learned of the medicinal benefits of marijuana, and thousands of patients would be suffering needlessly. For everyone who enjoys marijuana or uses it as medicine, we owe criminals a little…

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more pro-choice ideas

This is the second part to an article I wrote a long time ago called A New Perspective On Pro-Choice. It goes something like this… There are other arguments that for some reason are totally overlooked, maybe because they’re difficult to explain, or just sound cheezy or nerdy or because so many people believe that God will solve humanity’s large-scale problems for us so we don’t need to worry about them. 1) Babies take resources. The baby will grow to be an adult who will use even more resources. These…

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