The Complexity of Equality Between Men and Women

So I have about fifty unpublished or incomplete posts and pages sitting in my queue for this blog and I feel like I need to clean things up a bit, so here is one that I found sitting around that I think has some decent points. I had a bunch more stuff to say on this subject, but my mind has wandered in the year since I wrote this, so I’m just going to post it as-is. I once had an argument with someone about gay marriage and he claimed…

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Thou Shalt Not Lie

This is a commandment that I actually agree with. I’ve heard atheists argue that this can be a problem because occasionally telling a lie is the right thing to do, such as if you were hiding a Jewish person in your attic in Nazi Germany. This is one of the few cases where I tend to agree with the Christians instead of the atheists. I would make a few exceptions for if you’re lying to a government entity or a selfish corporation, but I believe that it’s never okay to…

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Nonsense Waffle with Meteor

Demo: Repo: Nonsense Waffle is a word game that I started building as a personal project in February of 2015 using the new real-time Node.js based framework called Meteor. In this game, players compete by compiling randomly generated words to create funny phrases then try to sell their ideas in the most humorous ways possible, in sort of an advanced like button and popularity challenge with a lot of role-playing elements that’s all based on silly nonsense. The game is in its infancy right now, but I do have a working demo up and running…

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Samsung's Milk Music at Smartek21

In December of 2014 I joined a small team at Smartek21, JavaScripting for Samsung’s Milk Music web player. We used jQuery, Backbone.js, Underscore.js and Require.js, in an MVC structure to communicate with a custom API which interfaced with Slacker’s API to get most of the data. Milk Music is basically Slacker Radio but is Samsung branded and has a better user interface–at least in my opinion. The application was mostly complete when I began but I helped solve many bugs and added a few minor features that were necessary for production release. We worked with…

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