Once upon a time there lived a young girl named Millie. Millie lived in a little village, where everybody loved each other and everyone seemed happy except for one problem: they were a long way from the river. Every day, most of the villagers had to walk a long trail down a cliff to fill up their buckets so they could have water to cook, bathe and wash dishes. Every day for years Millie walked this trail several times, carrying a bucket of water for her mother, then her sister,…
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Snakes on a Plane 2: Bears on a Cruise Ship
Snakes on a Plane was made in 2006, 14 years ago. For some reason we still don’t have a sequel. We have Fuller House on Netflix but no Snakes on a Plane 2. This is a serious problem requiring a creative solution. I decided it was my duty to suggest a few ideas to turn this cinematic masterpiece into a franchise. Ideas include: Ants in a Car, Scorpions on a Bus, Hornets on a Train, Spiders in a Hot Air Balloon, Bats on a Submarine, and Honey Badgers on the…
Read MoreMy paperback
I got a paper copy of my new book from Amazon the other day. Here’s a picture of it next to the original Robert Silverberg book that inspired me to start writing this story when I was fifteen. It was essentially the first thing I started writing. I literally worked on this book for a quarter century. I have to charge $12 each for the paperback, which is more than I wanted and most of that goes to printing and shipping, but it turned out higher quality than I expected.…
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